American Language Course Placement Test

What is the ALCPT?

ALCPT is an English language test designed to measure English ability levels through listening and reading. For more information, see the ALCPT Handbook.

Uses of the ALCPT
ALCPTs are not intended to be used as an ECL practice or preparation tool or for promotion or bonus purposes. ALCPTs are intended to be used for the following purposes only:

    1. place students in an American Language Course (ALC) program;

    2. evaluate student progress at the end of an ALC level;

    3. screen candidates for readiness to take the English Comprehension Level (ECL) test by the SCO only;

    4. evaluate the English language abilities of local personnel working for, or being considered for
        positions on overseas US military installations as required by US military service regulations.

The ALCPT is a U. S. government language test used for these authorized purposes only; therefore, its sale must be approved by DLIELC/ETF (Test & Measurement Branch).

Obtaining the ALCPT
The ALCPT is only sold to Foreign Military institutions using ALC materials for the purposes of English Language Training or to organizations that are required by contract with the US government to use the ALCPT to evaluate students in the English Language Training programs.

DLIELC does not sell the ALCPT to third party resellers or to the intermediary shipping companies.

ALCPT Approval Request Form

ALCPT Testing Security

The validity of test results depends on proper control and security of these materials.

Current technology and ease of electronic accessibility through the Web can potentially turn a local test compromise of an ALCPT into a global one. Language testing programs of excellence are known for adhering to the following security measures to safeguard the integrity of ALCPTs around the world (see the ALCPT Handbook for more information).

  • Test Control Officer (TCO)
    1. o Each facility should appoint a TCO (and Alternate TCO if appropriate).
      o Only the TCO (and ATCO) should control, handle, and administer the ALCPT.

  • Physical control of test materials
      ALCPT materials are:
    1. o stored in a locked cabinet when not in use;
      o accounted for by serial number and inventoried at least annually;
      o logged out and in each time they are used, and the log retained for at least a year;
      o handled, transported, and administered only by authorized personnel.

  • Safeguard of test integrity
      ALCPT components:
      o are controlled test items and must be handled accordingly;
      o may not be duplicated;
      o must be used for testing only (NOT for practice, teaching, or training).

Ordering the ALCPT

Who can order the ALCPT?
  The ALCPT is developed by DLIELC for use in approved military and government English Language
  Training Programs around the world.

Kit components
  Each ALCPT form may be purchased individually.
  Each form consists of a kit with the items listed in
  the adjacent table.

  Quantities are limited to a maximum of 10
  forms per purchase
.  However, large language
  programs may be authorized to purchase more
  than one kit of the same form.

How to order the ALCPT
   DLIELC is the sole source for procuring ALCPT
   materials.  There are two parts to ordering ALCPT

Kit Content
Items Quantity
1. Test Booklets
2. Audio recording (Compact Disc)
3. Scoring keys
4. ALCPT Handbook, with:
   • ALC Placement Guidelines table
   • Memorandum for the Record
   • ALCPT Inventory Record sample
   • ALCPT Test Administration
      Security Log sample
   • ALCPT Test-Taker Roster sample
   • ALCPT Approval Request form

  1. DLIELC/ETF - Approval
        Complete an ALCPT APPROVAL REQUEST form. Submit the completed ALCPT Approval

       Request form to DLIELC/ETF by email at

  2. DLIELC/INF - Purchase
        Contact DLIELC/INF (Nonresident Programs) for consultation on purchase orders. The
        current catalogue of ALC materials includes procedures for ALCPT purchases, along with information
        on IMET programming and requisitions, and information on direct requisitioning from DLIELC and on
        FMS-funded purchases.

Note: If an ALCPT order has been included in a larger book order, the entire order cannot be processed until the ALCPT purchase has been approved by DLIELC/ETF.

DLIELC Contacts

For questions about
Mailing address
• Language testing: ALCPT, ECL, and
• Test security
• Approval of ALCPT sale
• Arranging Telephonic OPIs
Testing (DLIELC/ETF)
2235 Andrews Ave
JBSA Lackland, TX 78236-5259

Comm. Phone: (210) 671-4889
DSN: (312) 473-4889
OPI Email:

• In-country (nonresident) English
   Language Training Programs (ELTPs)
• ELTP development consulting (ALC
   materials, ALCPT purchase after ETF
   approval, site surveys, etc.)
• DLIELC advisors/instructors for
   overseas assignments (MTTs)
Nonresident Programs Division (DLIELC/INF)
2235 Andrews Ave
JBSA Lackland, TX 78236-5259

Comm. Phone: (210) 671-3783
Comm. Fax: (210) 671-5362
DSN: (312) 473-3783
DSN Fax: (312) 473-5362

ALCPT Administrative Resources & Continuity Book

A Continuity Book helps TCOs/ATCOs keep track of duties and test security measures. It also offers a source of accountability, and gives new TCOs/ATCOs the necessary resources for the successful and secure continuation of the program.

A Continuity Book should include the following:

1. Current ALCPT Handbook
ALCPT Handbook
MFR Sample
3. Test Inventory Inventory Sample
Inventory Sample
4. Test Administration Security Log
Log Sample
Log Sample
5. Test Schedules
6. Test-Taker Roster
Roster Sample
Roster Sample
7. ALCPT Approval Request Form
Approval Request Form
8. ALCPT communications of importance
9. Reports of actual or suspected test compromise

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