Our objective is to raise the English language skills of all students to the level required to advance to other courses such as Specialized English, Instructor Development, or to follow-on training (FOT).
General English curriculum, developed in-house, is the American Language Course (ALC) which has six (6) levels consisting of thirty-four (34) books, Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) courseware, as well as audio and video activities.
When a student arrives they are assigned to an ALC level and book based on their entry English Comprehension Level (ECL) test score. Classes are limited to a maximum of ten (10) students to ensure they have ample opportunity to participate in classroom activities. Group learning is promoted, and individualized instruction is facilitated in our computer laboratories and learning center. Students can utilize the learning center after class to access IMI and other materials geared to assisting the student in their language training.
At the end of each book, usually studied for one week, students take a 50-item, multiple-choice quiz which requires a minimum score of 70. In addition, upon completion of ALC level 2 and 3, a performance test is administered to assess students’ mastery of specific language skill objectives which are not measurable through multiple-choice tests. Remediation on skills not mastered is then conducted on an individual basis. Advancement decisions are based on instructors’ input, and students’ performance on achievement tests and the ECL, which is administered monthly to assess overall proficiency growth.
Once students have achieved their required ECL score they are normally transferred to Specialized English where they are provided with the language and study skills necessary to succeed at FOT.
If you are interested in ordering ALC materials, click here.