1. Who can attend DLI?
DLIELC is a US Department of Defense (DOD) agency. All international students who attend DLIELC are first selected by their respective defense ministries and then are issued formal invitations by the US DoD sponsoring service (US Air Force, Army, or Navy).
2. Who can buy DLI materials?
Most of the American Language Course (ALC) materials produced at DLIELC may be purchased by anyone. See this page on our website: Ordering Materials for a description and price list of materials and for instructions on how to purchase. When buying text books, a minimum order of 10 student texts and one instructor text is required. Other items may be purchased in any quantity.
3. Are the materials suitable for nonmilitary instruction?
While there is a military component in each of the books, the materials are suitable for use in public and private schools. Several US school districts use our materials.
4. How long is the training at your school?
There are fifteen different courses offered at DLIELC. English instructor courses vary from 8 weeks to 27 weeks. The other courses are from 9 weeks to 52 weeks or longer. They are intended for students who need to improve their proficiency in order to attain minimum standards for the next training site.
5. How is the length of training determined?
A student's proficiency level determines the length of training.
6. Can I bring my family?
Yes, if the Invitational Travel Order (ITO) or NATO order authorizes dependents. The ITO should also list their names, date of birth, and relationship to student.
7. Who can live on campus?
Students and their authorized spouse can live on campus. Children are not permitted in living quarters.
8. Where can I live with my family?
Since children are not authorized to live on base with their families, there are several apartments and hotel rooms located near Lackland AFB where students may rent or lease. The average cost of an apartment is about $1000 per month; for hotels it's about $75 per day.
9. Who determines the financial responsibility for my family's medical services?
Students' financial responsibility for their dependents' medical care is described in Block 11, B, of the Invitational Travel Order (ITO).
10. When should I arrive?
Students should arrive no later than 1200 Tuesday at before their training starts that next Monday. US holidays should also be taken into consideration when scheduling the student’s flight itinerary.